Wordle Clone¶
A playable version of hit online game Wordle! This extension will target practicing methods (module 5) and input and output (module 4). It will take quite some time, but it is great practice!
Methods (Suggested)¶
These are the provided and suggested methods for completing this problem - if you want to approach it differently, go ahead!
public static void drawRow(int row)
Draw a single row on the Wordle board. A row should have 5 squares, one for each letter. The variables SIDE_BUFFER
are useful values here - the first two can be used as spacers to avoid drawing outside of the screen. CELL_SIZE
is a convienient half-width to use for the cells.
public static void drawBoard()
Draw the entire board, made up of 6 rows. Again, the TOP_BUFFER
should come in handy here.
public static char getKeyPress()
- First, wait until a key is pressed by the user.
- Helpful method:
StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped() - returns true if key has been pressed, false otherwise
Do nothing until a key is pressed
- Once a key is pressed, get it and return the value.
- Helpful method:
StdDraw.nextKeyTyped() - returns the character that the user pressed
public static String getGuess(int guessNumber)
Get each character typed by the user until the guess is appropriate length and the user hits the enter key
Draw the guess after each new letter typed
Recommended: add backspace functionality after everything else works, it’s quite tough.
public static void drawWord(int guess, String word)
Draw the String word
on the row corresponding to guess
public static String getRandomWord()
The String[] array WORDS
is provided. This method will return a random word from that array.
public static String[] checkGuess(String guess, String answer)
Given the player’s guess (guess
) and the correct solution (answer
), return a String array containing:
“Correct” if the letter at that index is at the same position in the answer
“Wrong Place” if the letter appears in the word, but not at the index it appears in
“Incorrect” if the letter is not in the correct solution
public static void drawColors(String guess, String[] feedback, int guessNumber)
Given the String[] array feedback
, the user’s guess (guess
), and the current guess number, fill in the colors on the board.
For “Correct”, the cell should be colored green
For “Wrong Place”, the cell should be colored yellow
For “Incorrect”, the cell should be colored gray
public static boolean correctAnswer(String[] feedback)
Given the String[] array feedback
, return true if the guess is entirely correct (that is, that every String in the array is “Correct”), false otherwise.
public static void showMessage(String message)
Display a message message
over the board to the user - used if they win or lose.