Assignment 1: Grade Calculator

Assignment Setup

To create your repository, go here and follow the same accept/import process described in the setup instructions.

Grade Calculator

In this assignment, you will develop a tool that can help you compute your final course grade. By completing this assignment, you will demonstrate that you can:

  • Create a Java class on your own

  • Arrange for the class to take inputs of interest

  • Compute output values of interest

  • Produce meaningful output based on your computations

  • Work with Java expressions


When you open the src folder, you’ll see the assignment01 package, but it will be empty. Your first task is to create the class! Here is how:

  1. Right click on assignment01, then click New, and then Class.

  2. Type GradeCalculator in the Name: field. Please use the given capitalization and spelling.

  3. Click the box that says public static void main(String[] args)

  4. Click the Finish button. After you click the button, you should see the created file pop up in your Package Explorer.

For this calculator to work, we need to get information from the user. To start getting user input, we need to create a Scanner object and put it in a variable we can use like so:

  1. Inside of GradeCalculator’s main method curly braces, write Scanner in = new Scanner(;. (You can get rid of the “TODO” comment.)

  2. If you didn’t use autocomplete, you will notice an error. Try to remember how you fixed this error in Studio 1. In case you don’t remember, these are the instructions:

    1. Hover over (put your cursor on) the red underline

    2. Click on the first suggestion that pops up (specifically, the one that says to import java.util’s Scanner)

You now have the variable in, which you can use to get Strings from the user (, ints from the user (in.nextInt()), and doubles from the user (in.nextDouble()).

Warning: the next section is going to throw a lot of information at you. Instead of trying to tackle it all at once, you are encouraged to develop iteratively. Iterative development means making small changes and checking if each works how you anticipate. We’ll guide you through iterative development for this assignment.

First, the information (no need to take action yet).

These are the inputs that you should ask for from the user, plus the names of the variables you should store that information in:




The name of the student taking this course, as a String


The average grade on all assignments, as a percentage between 0 and 100


The total number of studio sessions attended, as a value between 0 and 8


The average grade on all quizzes after the two lowest quiz grades have been dropped, as a percentage between 0 and 100


The average grade on all exams, as a percentage between 0 and 100

This is an example of what your program should output:

CSE131 Grade for: Doug Shook

Average assignment grade: 85.4

Weighted assignment grade (out of 36): 30.74%

Number of studios attended: 7

Weighted studio grade (out of 10): 8.75%

Average quiz grade: 97.3

Weighted quiz grade (out of 2): 1.95%

Average exam grade: 93.5

Weighted exam grade (out of 54): 50.49

Total Grade: 91.93%

How do we write this program? Let’s start one step at a time. What’s the simplest, easily checkable change you can make?

One option is to ask the user for a name, store the input in the name variable, and then print out the name variable. You could then try running that code, and then if it’s working as you expect, you could change it to be styled like the output (with “CSE131 Grade…” etc).

Note: if you don’t remember how to prompt for user input, check out the prompt examples from Studio 1.

You can continue like this, taking changes one step at a time and checking the output as you go.

Here are a few issues we anticipate you will come across. Read the bullet point when you think it’s relevant to what you’re working on.

  • Data types of variables/user input: Think about what the expected values are. What data type works best?

  • Making sure users don’t put in invalid values: 150% is not a valid average assignment grade. In the future, we’ll learn how to force programs to only accept valid inputs. For now, just assume the user will always put in valid inputs.

  • Weights: Check out the course policies page for the weighting on different components of the grade.

  • Rounding: You must round the weighted grade percentages to two digits after the decimal point so that they get printed with the right number of decimal places. In order to round, you may use the math operations we learned (+, -, *, /) and/or Math.round() and nothing else. Think about what information Math.round() “loses” and how you would need to change the input so it only loses the information you want to get rid of.

  • Total grade: Make sure you keep as much precision as possible in all the components when you’re calculating the final grade, and then you can round the final grade. Rounding early will result in an incorrect final grade value.

Prepare for demoing your work by trying out various combinations of grade values and making sure that your program computes and prints them correctly.

Submitting your work

Check the rubric (which is at the very bottom of the Canvas page for this assignment).

Get your assignment graded by bringing it to lab on Wednesday/Thursday or going to office hours and signing up for a demo via

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