Module 8 Studio

Studio 8: Making a Quiz

Studio activities should not be started before class! Come to the session and work on the activity with other students!

Studio Setup and Procedure

  • Form a group of 2-3 students and find a TA or instructor to work with.

  • All but one member of your group should have this web page open so you can follow along and see the instructions as you work.

  • Plan to work on one computer (using Eclipse).

    • Initially, one of you will be in charge of typing at that computer.

    • Throughout the studio you should trade who is in charge of the keyboard.


  1. Have one person in your group create a new team by clicking here and going to the OR Create a new team box at the bottom of the page. The team name should include the last names of all your group members. For example, if Xia and Smith are working together, the team name should be something like “XiaSmith”.

  2. After the team is created, all other members of your team should click on the same link and follow the instructions to join the team.

    1. Be careful to join the right team! You won’t be able to change teams yourself and will have to contact instructors if there’s a problem.

    2. Be sure everyone else joins the team! If grades don’t get entered correctly we will use the team to help verify credit for a particular studio.

  3. Finally, one person should import the studio repository into Eclipse, as described in Assignment 0’s Add the assignment to Eclipse.

    • All team members will have access to the work pushed to GitHub. Be sure to Commit and Push at the end of the day so everyone can refer back to the work later as needed.

A Question Class

Before we can construct a Quiz, we’ll start by creating a few different types of questions. The first type of question will be similar to a fill in the blank style question, where a prompt is given and the user has to supply the correct answer.

Examine the Question class. This will be our base class so no inheritance will be used here, but these methods will be inherited and used by the subclasses later on in the studio.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with this class. Make sure you understand what the fields are and how the constructor works. Make sure you understand what the displayPrompt() and checkAnswer() methods are doing.

Finally, examine and run the main method that is provided in the Question class. Feel free to come up with your own questions and test the provided methods to make sure you understand this base class before proceeding.

Multiple Choice Questions

We now wish to construct a class for multiple choice questions. Notice that some of the fields and behaviors for a multiple choice question will be the same as our Question class. We would say that a MultipleChoiceQuestion is a Question. This makes it a great candidate for inheritance.

By extending the Question class, our MultipleChoiceQuestion class gains access to the fields and methods from Question. The biggest difference is a list of choices, which must be stored in a field and also displayed along with the question prompt.

Start by examining the MultipleChoiceQuestion constructor. Use the constructor from the base class to take care of the fields that the two classes have in common by calling super(). Then, deal with any additional fields, creating them if necessary.

Next, you should override the displayPrompt() method, which has been started for you. You can use the displayPrompt() method from the base class to display the question prompt, then finish the method by displaying the choices in order. Your first choice should be labelled “1”, second choice “2”, etc.

Once you have finished, examine and run the provided main method in the MultipleChoiceQuestion class. Make some more questions and test your code to make sure it behaves in the way you expect.

Select All Questions

Another type of question we would like to include presents multiple choices but then asks the user to select all of the correct answers. For this question type, it is possible for more than one of the choices to be correct. Notice again that there is some overlap between what a SelectAllQuestion and MultipleChoiceQuestion can do. We would say that a SelectAllQuestion is a MultipleChoiceQuestion (and also is a Question).

First complete the constructor, making sure to call super().

Next, focus on the checkAnswer() method. Unlike the other question types, these kinds of questions allow for partial credit. Examine the provided examples in the main method, the intention here is for each choice to be worth one point, with one point being deducted for each incorrect answer that is given and for each correct answer that isn’t given. Use the provided methods findMissingCorrectAnswers() and findIncorrectGivenAnswers() to complete the checkAnswer() method. Note that you will not have to use the provided findMissingCharacters() method, though it is already being used in the other methods you have been given.

These methods from the String API will likely be useful:

Be sure to test your code using the provided main method to make sure it works before proceeding.


It is now time to put it all together. Examine the code that has been provided to you in the Quiz class. There is only one field, an array of Question objects. Because MultipleChoiceQuestion and SelectAllQuestion are Question s, they can be used anywhere that a Question is specified as the type. This is the concept known as polymorphism.

Two methods have been completed for you already: getTotalPoints() and getUserAnswer(). You will need both of these methods in a moment, so familiarize yourself with them now.

Your task is to complete takeQuiz(). This method should:

  • Iterate through all of the questions:

    • Display the prompt for each question

    • Request a user answer for each question (using getUserAnswer())

    • Check the answer that the user gave

    • Display the points earned for each question

  • Once all questions have been answered, it should display the points earned as well as the total number of points available (from getTotalPoints())

A main method has been provided to you that shows each question type working with the quiz. Create and expand the quiz with questions of your own!


Commit and Push your work. Be sure that any file you worked on is updated on GitHub.

To get participation credit for your work talk to the TA you’ve been working with and complete the demo/review process. Be prepared to show them the work that you have done and answer their questions about it!

Before leaving check that everyone in your group has a grade recorded in Canvas!

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